‘Mimine’ (Short Film): Captures the Beauty of Father-Son Bonding
“Mimine” is a short drama film directed by Simon Laganière and released in 2021. The film is the story of a father, recently separated from his wife, who finds himself spending time with his son for the day and decides to create an unforgettable moment for him. This ten-minute drama portrays the imperfect yet beautiful […]
‘Bhram’: A Masterful Short Film That Will Keep You on Edge
Sumit Kumar Sinha’s horror short film “Bhram” tells the story of two adventurous YouTuber friends, Ved and Badur, who embark on a journey to explore the infamous Kalaraja forest and uncover the truth behind its paranormal beliefs. Initially, the film may seem to have a substandard plot, but as the story progresses, it reveals an […]
“The Diver” (Japanese Short): ‘As long as my body allows, I will continue searching’
“The Diver,” a Japanese documentary short directed by Anderson Wright, follows the touching story of a diver named Yasuo Takamatsu, who continues to search for his wife’s remains in the ocean 12 years after the 2011 Tohoku earthquake and tsunami. On March 11, 2011, the Thoku earthquake and tsunami devastated East Japan’s coastal communities, killing […]
SITA (Short Film): A moving portrayal of caste & gender inequality
SITA is a 19-minute short film written and directed by Abhinav Singh that stars Shriya Pilgaonkar and child actor Om Kanojiya. With its moving story, the film examines the caste system and female foeticide in Indian society. It addresses the long-standing practice of casteism and how it is deeply ingrained in Indian culture and society. […]
“The Blue Door” – A BAFTA-Nominated Horror Short
Written by Ben Clark and Megan Pugh, and directed by Paul Taylor, “The Blue Door” is a BAFTA-nominated (2019) gripping horror short film, starring Gemma Whelan (from Game of Thrones). “The Blue Door” tells an original story about a nurse who joins her new job to provide palliative care to a bedridden elderly woman living […]
LATE – An Award-Winning Short Film
LATE, by Alexander Mansfield Martinez, is a coming-of-age drama about a young woman who finds herself in the middle of a life-changing decision after discovering something unexpected. Maya, who is raised in a single-parent family and lives with her mother, younger sister, and grandmother, is the protagonist of the story. We can tell something is […]
Danny Stack’s Horror Short ‘Origin’: A Haunting Supernatural Thriller
Written and directed by Danny Stack, the 2010 horror short film “Origin” is an impressive supernatural thriller that follows a stressed mother who tries to keep her family together when her son falls ill from a mysterious creature bite in the woods. Unlike many horror shorts and feature-length films, “Origin” doesn’t rely on jump scares […]
“Days Left Behind” – A Hindi Language Zombie Short Film
Zeeshan Ali Dossa’s Hindi language zombie short film “Days Left Behind” has achieved something that many Indian feature-length films have failed to deliver in the genre. The film follows the struggle of a man who is striving to survive in a post-apocalyptic India. Movie Synopsis: A man struggles to survive in a post-apocalyptic India, where […]
SHUTTER THE DOORS – Prompts Us to Reflect on Life
TV and film actor Ian Buchanan teams up with Billy Wirth in an engrossing short film, SHUTTER THE DOORS, written and directed by Sheri Sussman. In just 13 minutes, the film introduces us to a character and the moments when he is dealing with an unimaginable loss. Sussman, who wrote and shot the film during […]
Stenzin Tankong’s Ladakhi Short Film ‘Sekool’
Indie filmmaker Stenzin Tankong directs the short film ‘Sekool’ that captures the very essence of a nomadic tribe ‘Changthang’ mainly residing in the high-altitude plateau in Ladakh, India. The film has been recently screened at the Himalayan Film Festival in Ladakh. Set in the remote region of the Himalayas, ‘Sekool’ follows a kid from the […]