Author: Deepak Mohanty

A full-time movie geek and part time e-learning professional. He loves to read, write and discuss in length about cinema and the art of filmmaking.

Takashi Shimizu’s Latest “Immersion” Promises Chills and Thrills

The Japanese horror film “Immersion” (忌怪島) promises to be a terrifying ride with a mix of traditional haunts and techno-horrors. Directed by Takashi Shimizu, the creator behind J-horror classics like Ju-On and Marebito, brings together cutting-edge technology with old superstitions or folklore in a story that will keep you on the edge of your seat. […]

Inner Child: An upcoming psychological horror film

“Inner Child” is a gripping psychological horror feature film, based on Natalie Rodriguez’s acclaimed novella and short screenplay. The film follows Cassie, a college freshman who cuts ties with her toxic family but is plagued by recurring nightmares. When these nightmares become increasingly real and invasive, Cassie seeks help from her therapist, Dr. Reid, hoping […]

“The Little Thief” (Short Film Review): A Depiction of a Child’s First Brush with Guilt

Finding some of the best films as a movie enthusiast is a wonderful experience, especially when it’s a short film with an original plot and sensibilities. In just three minutes, “The Little Thief” by Nicole Vanden Broeck transports us to a surrealistic world reminiscent of our childhood, where innocence and curiosity rule supreme. The film’s […]

‘AKA’ (2023) Movie Review: An Action-Packed French Crime Drama

Do you enjoy gritty action thrillers? If so, then you won’t want to miss Netflix’s latest action/crime film release ‘AKA’. This French-style gangster movie promises to deliver a fresh take on the genre with its impressive pace, an imposing performance from Alban Lenoir, and some great action sequences. The film ‘AKA,’ starring Alban Lenoir and […]

‘It Lives Inside’ to Unleash the Indian Mythological Demon ‘Pishacha’

The high school-set horror film ‘It Lives Inside,’ written and produced by Bishal Dutta, stars Megan Suri as a teen battling with her heritage, while popular Indian actress Neeru Bajwa goes into the horror genre with this frightening demonic horror flick.   The film had its world premiere at the 2023 SXSW Film Festival, where […]

Bullets Fly and Blood Spills: “The Killer” Delivers the Action Goods

Korean action thriller “The Killer: A Girl Who Deserves To Die” is a rollercoaster ride of non-stop action and intense fight sequences that will leave you at the edge of your seat. Director Choi Jae-hoon has done an exceptional job in bringing Bang Jin Ho’s novel “The Kid Deserves to Die” to life on the […]

“Bug” (Short Film): Depicting the Effects of Parental Separation

“Bug” is a poignant and well-crafted short film that depicts the emotional turmoil and conflict that children often experience in the aftermath of their parents’ separation. The story revolves around Alma, a teenage girl who goes by the nickname “Bug,” and her struggle to reconcile her loyalty to her mother with her desire to reconnect […]

‘Mimine’ (Short Film): Captures the Beauty of Father-Son Bonding

“Mimine” is a short drama film directed by Simon Laganière and released in 2021. The film is the story of a father, recently separated from his wife, who finds himself spending time with his son for the day and decides to create an unforgettable moment for him. This ten-minute drama portrays the imperfect yet beautiful […]

‘Bhram’: A Masterful Short Film That Will Keep You on Edge

Sumit Kumar Sinha’s horror short film “Bhram” tells the story of two adventurous YouTuber friends, Ved and Badur, who embark on a journey to explore the infamous Kalaraja forest and uncover the truth behind its paranormal beliefs. Initially, the film may seem to have a substandard plot, but as the story progresses, it reveals an […]

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