Exploding Kittens: A New Animated Comedy on Netflix

Exploding Kittens: A New Animated Comedy on Netflix

“Exploding Kittens” is a new adult animated comedy series based on the popular card game. Streaming on Netflix from July 12, 2024, this show follows God, now known as Godcat, who is sent to Earth to reconnect with humanity. The twist? Godcat, voiced by Tom Ellis, is trapped in the body of a chubby house cat.

As part of his divine rehabilitation, Godcat moves in with a dysfunctional family, attempting to solve their problems but often getting sidetracked by feline distractions like laser pointers and pigeons. The comedy ramps up when Godcat’s eternal adversary, the Devilcat, played by Sasheer Zamata, becomes his next-door neighbor. This sparks a comical battle of good versus evil, complete with all the hilarious antics you would expect from two rival cats.

It's the ultimate fight between good and evil when God and his nemesis, the spawn of Satan, are sent to Earth to live with humans — as talking cats.

Created by showrunners Shane Kosakowski and Matthew Inman, the founder of the card game, “Exploding Kittens” promises laughter, chaos, and a lot of feline fun. Here is the trailer:

Based on Exploding Kittens by The Oatmeal
Creators: Matthew Inman, Shane Kosakowski
Directed by Eddie Rosas
Starring: Tom Ellis, Sasheer Zamata, Ally Maki, Mark Proksch, and Suzy Nakamura
Release Date: July 12, 2024

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This post is written, edited and published by the Cinecelluloid staff.

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