Exploding Kittens: A New Animated Comedy on Netflix
“Exploding Kittens” is a new adult animated comedy series based on the popular card game. Streaming on Netflix from July 12, 2024, this show follows God, now known as Godcat, who is sent to Earth to reconnect with humanity. The twist? Godcat, voiced by Tom Ellis, is trapped in the body of a chubby house […]
‘Weekends’ – A Hand-Drawn Animated Short Film
Directed by Canadian filmmaker Trevor Jimenez, who is also working in Pixar, Weekends follows a young boy who shuffles between the homes of his recently divorced parents. Set the 1980’s Toronto, the film is a hand-drawn animated film. The film is animated and presented in such a way that it brings out emotions and the […]
‘Children Who Chase Lost Voices’ (2011) – Makato Shinkai’s Vision is Gorgeous as Miyazaki
The 2011-released Japanese animated film is directed by Makoto Shinkai who draws his inspiration from none other than the acclaimed film director, animator, and masterful storyteller Hayao Miyazaki. We have found multiple titles for this beautiful film, including the original ‘Hoshi wo Ou Kodomo’, Children who Chase Lost Voices from Deep Below, and ‘Journey to […]