Exploding Kittens: A New Animated Comedy on Netflix
“Exploding Kittens” is a new adult animated comedy series based on the popular card game. Streaming on Netflix from July 12, 2024, this show follows God, now known as Godcat, who is sent to Earth to reconnect with humanity. The twist? Godcat, voiced by Tom Ellis, is trapped in the body of a chubby house […]
The Garfield Movie (2024) – Available for Streaming
Jim Davis’ iconic fat cat comic strip “The Garfield Movie” is now available for streaming on digital platforms. This fully CG-animated family comedy-adventure follows Garfield who is reunited with his long-lost father, a street cat named Vic, being forced into joining him on a high-stakes adventure. Synopsis: Garfield (voiced by Chris Pratt), the world-famous, Monday-hating, […]
Gold Kingdom and Water Kingdom (Anime)
“Gold Kingdom and Water Kingdom” is a Japanese manga series written and illustrated by Nao Iwamoto. An anime film adaptation is now directed by Kotono Watanabe. The anime romance movie invites you to witness a clash of kingdoms. Cats and dogs, deserts and trees—will these kingdoms ever find harmony? In the story, Alhamit and Baikari […]
Blue Thermal (2022): A fun anime about college kids who love competitive gliding
Blue Thermal (ブルーサーマル), based on the manga series of the same name, is a coming-of-age narrative about Tamaki, a college student who becomes engrossed in the world of competitive gliding. Despite her clumsiness, she astounds her friends with an unexpected talent; nevertheless, will it be enough to propel her university to victory? Blue Thermal – […]
SILICON DOCKS: An Animated Irish Movie Roasts U.S. Tech Moguls (TRAILER)
DUBLIN, IRELAND – August 1st, 2022 – A trailer has appeared online for a new movie from award-winning Irish director Graham Jones entitled SILICON DOCKS. The animated film takes place during the dying days of Trump’s presidency and portrays a doomed Dublin pub crawl conducted by a group of American tech moguls, prohibited from visiting […]
‘If Anything Happens I Love You’ – A tearjerker, a masterpiece in storytelling
The Netflix animated short film If Anything Happens I Love You is an extremely emotional tale of two parents who are coping with the loss of their daughter. However, the film is even more touching as it reveals the story in reverse chronology highlighting the increasing number of cases of gun violence in America. Released […]
Modest Heroes: Ponoc’s wonderful piece of anime anthology
Studio Ponoc’s animated anthology “Modest Heroes” narrates three wonderful stories of regular life heroes: two underwater siblings fighting many threats on their own; a little boy living with a fatal egg allergy; and an invisible man living a solitary life. After the great success of their debut animated film “Mary and the Witch’s Flower,” […]
Netflix partners with Kuku Studios to produce animated content
With loads of new interesting Netflix projects on track, here is an amazing update for animated movie lovers. Netflix has entered into an agreement with popular animation house Kuku Studios to produce animated films and series. For those of you, who are not very much aware of this studio name, you’ve already watched a few […]
One Small Step (2018) – An Award-Winning Animated Short
“One Small Step” is an amazing animated short film of just seven minutes runtime that has captured a child’s emotion, imagination, and dreams. No, this short film is not produced by any of the big animation studios like Disney or Pixar, yet the film pulls us to something that is at par with any popular […]
Flavors of Youth (Shikioriori) – Anime Anthology
Netflix has announced that it will stream the anthology animated film Shikioriori (Poem of Seasons Woven Together) international titled – Flavors of Youth starting August 4, 2018. Directed by Yoshitaka Takeuchi, Li Haoling, Jiaoshou Yi Xiaoxing, and produced by Noritaka Kawaguchi, the film will be premiered at Anime Expo in Los Angeles on July 6. […]