The dystopian horror short “Rhyme or Die” follows five kidnapped strangers who are forced to rhyme to their kidnapper’s funky beats—or die.
The film begins with five people waking up in a dimly lit warehouse, each wearing an iron collar around their neck. They soon meet their host, Dynamo, who explains the game’s deadly rules: failure to repeat a rhyme results in death.
The story swiftly moves into a battle for survival, with the contestants having to decide whether to collaborate or fend for themselves as the rhythm picks up and the stakes rise.
The film effectively balances snappy, last-minute rhymes with the genuine terror of its characters, each uniquely developed. From the sincere youth worker to the seasoned rapper, the contestants’ interactions and struggles add depth to the high-stakes battle.
“Rhyme or Die” serves as a metaphor and cleverly critiques the cutthroat nature of the creative industry, where artists are often pitted against each other for success. The iron collar symbolizes external control, unreasonable expectations, societal pressures, and more.
Created during lockdown, the film also mirrors the isolation and separation experienced during the pandemic. With its sharp script, top-notch performances, and a blend of horror and dark humor, “Rhyme or Die” offers a thrilling and thought-provoking viewing experience.