Australian prison drama Convict shows corruption and cruelty inside the prison that is very much prevalent in every prison around the world. Many times as viewers, the tough life of prison attracts our attention with curiosity to know more about the complex reality behind the prisons.
Well, most of us have watched one of the finest prison dramas ‘A Prophet’ (Original French title ‘Un prophete’). Again, there is a television series such as Prison Break which had a great fan following. The reason that life inside a prison is far different, makes it an interesting subject for filmmakers to deal with.
Watch the movie trailer for ‘Convict’
What’s in the story of the movie ‘Convict’?
The movie Convict revolves around its protagonist Ray Francis. He is an Iraq war veteran who on the day of his return to home finds himself on the wrong side of the law. He had to confront two young hooligans who provoke him by passing inappropriate comments to his girlfriend. In the ensuing confrontation, one of the guys accidentally got killed for which Francis is to serve 18 months in prison.
As he is sent to the prison where numerous convicts live an unthinkable life of their own amid constant fights between different gangs, Francis has the option to take the side of anyone for survival. For him, the situation goes bad to worse when the father of the dead guy bribes the prison warden to make the life of Francis hell inside the prison.
Hence, from the day he arrives, he is given special attention. He is pushed mentally and physically. He has to learn how to find his way around the internal politics and turf wars that exist inside the prison just to survive.

The film to some extent is well acted with its share of tense moments inside the prison by introducing people of an unusual psyche and different ethnicity. It even shows hetero masculinity and the contradiction of multiculturalism in Australia.
‘Convict’ is brutal in depicting the prison life and the corrupt systems that run those so-called corrective institutions. We often read terrible news on prison life and even those revealed years after the brutality in the lives of some convicts. This is no doubt a hard-hitting prison drama. Yes, it could have been better if there is more characterization, as everything in prison films has always been repetitive and heavily inspired by other such films. Nevertheless, ‘Convict’ shines with George Basha’s believable performance.
‘Convict’ Movie – Additional Details
Sent to prison because of manslaughter, Ray is challenged both physically and mentally by a sadistic prison boss.
Starring: George Basha, David Field, Millie Rose Heywood, David Roberts, Brian W Ellison, Richard Green among others.
Directed by David Field, George Basha
Genre: Action, Crime, Drama
Cinematography by Andre Deubel
Release Date/Year: 21 January 2014 (Australia)
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