Directed and penned by Blair Moore, the upcoming crime thriller, KANE, promises a wild ride through the murky alleys of crime and the human psyche. The film is expected to deliver fast-paced action and a heart-pounding exhilarating experience.
KANE hits select cinemas and digital platforms on November 10th.
KANE – Movie Synopsis
In the treacherous underworld of crime, Benny, a faithful enforcer for the enigmatic criminal boss Abe, is pushed into a deadly gang battle against the infamous Frankie. But there’s a twist: Abe has a terrible alter ego, Kane, who is the most lethal of them all. The following 24 hours, with the clock ticking, offer nothing but mayhem and bloodshed. Benny’s last day could be today.
As tensions rise and loyalties are put to the test, Benny must make a decision that could destabilize the criminal empire. Will he stick by Abe, or will he risk everything to join forces with the clever Frankie?
Starring: Jeremy Lindsay Taylor, Jake Ryan, Clayton Watson (Remembered from ‘The Matrix Reloaded’)
Director-Writer: Blair Moore
Cinematography by Timothy Carr
Music by Ronnie Minder
Release Date: November 10, 2023