“Inner Child” is a gripping psychological horror feature film, based on Natalie Rodriguez’s acclaimed novella and short screenplay. The film follows Cassie, a college freshman who cuts ties with her toxic family but is plagued by recurring nightmares. When these nightmares become increasingly real and invasive, Cassie seeks help from her therapist, Dr. Reid, hoping to uncover the truth behind her night terrors and find a way to end them.
As Cassie delves into therapy, she unravels dark secrets from her past and realizes the connection between her family’s toxicity and the malevolent force haunting her dreams. Determined to break free from her family’s grip and find inner peace, Cassie embarks on a perilous journey of self-discovery and survival.
Blending psychological suspense, atmospheric horror, and emotional depth, “Inner Child” explores the impact of toxic family dynamics on one’s psyche, blurring the line between reality and nightmare in a quest for liberation and redemption.
“Inner Child” will be Natalie Rodriguez’s third directorial feature film. Her first two feature films, The Extraordinary Ordinary and Howard Original, are now available for rental and purchase on Amazon Prime, Apple TV, and Google Play, and streaming for FREE on Roku, Tubi, and the Indie Rights Movies’ YouTube Channel.
The makers have recently announced Isabella Jaimie as the lead actress for the role of Cassie in the upcoming film. Isabella Jaimie is a multi-talented individual, excelling in acting, writing, martial arts, dancing, and singing. With her adventurous spirit and genuine authenticity, Isabella brings a deep sense of creativity to all her endeavors. Her impressive portfolio includes starring in a horror-comedy feature film, collaborating with the United States Air Force, and taking on principal roles in several short films. Alongside her acting pursuits, Isabella dedicates time to creating and developing her own projects, showcasing her passion for storytelling.
“Inner Child” is currently in early pre-production. If you would like to learn more about the film and filmmakers, visit: https://linktr.ee/innerchildfeature.