“The Cursed Sanctuary X” is an upcoming Japanese supernatural film scheduled to be released on November 19, 2021. Written and directed by Yu Irie, the film is based on a play “Seichi X” that was written and directed by Tomohiro Maekawa.
Like most of the modern-day Asian horror films and as we can see from the film’s teaser trailer, “The Cursed Sanctuary X” also has references to some cursed or haunted place that results in deaths, and the practice of shamanism to ward off evil spirits.
‘The Cursed Sanctuary X’ – Synopsis
The film follows Teruo (Masaki Okada), an aspiring novelist, who travels to South Korea where his father’s villa is located. Later his younger sister Kaname (Haruna Kawaguchi), who is sick of her marriage life, joins him.
As the story progresses, they somehow enter an eerie place marked by a giant tree and an old well. Strangely, the place is cursed by some entity, and those who once set foot are being caught up in an unimaginable strange phenomenon, they become obsessed with nightmares and disappear suddenly!
To break the negative chain, a powerful shaman tries to pray, but he cannot compete in front of the sealed “Ki”. Is it a god or a devil that dwells here? Can they escape the tragedy that has been repeated here and be freed from the ever-increasing curse? An unimaginable nightmare is about to begin.
Japanese Title: 聖地X
Writer-Director: Yu Irie
Producer: Masaki Koide, Takara Kosugi
Cinematographer: Ryo Ohtsuka
Cast: Masaki Okada as Teruo Yamada; Haruna Kawaguchi as Kaname Azuma; Naoto Ogata as Eguchi; Yoko Maki as Hoshino; Kiyohiko Shibukawa as Kiyoshi; Maho Yamada as Kyoko; and Sho Yakumaru as Shigeru.
Release Date: November 19, 2021