Unravel the Mystery with ‘Memories’ (2013): An Intriguing Malayalam Thriller
“Memories” is a 2013 Malayalam thriller film directed by Jeethu Joseph (Drishyam) and starring Prithviraj Sukumaran. The film follows Sam Alex, a police officer who is haunted by a personal tragedy and is fighting to live with his past. When he is assigned to investigate a string of killings in the city, his life takes […]
‘Lucifer’ – A Malayalam Political Thriller Starring Mohanlal
The Mohanlal-starrer Malayalam language movie ‘Lucifer’ has crossed Rs. 200 crores at the box office and this is indeed a great feat for actor-turned-director Prithviraj who is also planning to create a sequel to this. The film is now streaming on Amazon Prime in three different Indian regional languages (Malayalam, Tamil, and Telugu). One of […]