Directed by James Lee, one of the prominent figures in the Malaysian New Wave of the early 2000s, TWO SISTERS tells the story of a girl’s release from an asylum, as she reunites with her older sister, and together, they return to their abandoned family home. However, they soon discover a dark and tragic family secret, which begins to unfold after their return.
James Lee’s TWO SISTERS was released in Malaysia on April 18, 2019. The film surprises viewers with a fresh take on well-known horror themes despite taking his customary low-budget approach.
Lee masterfully employs a psychological vision of horror, utilizing elements like unopened doors, recurring nightmares, and unsettling crescendos, avoiding typical effects-driven scares. While some may anticipate the climax’s revelation, Lee’s skillful execution of identity shifts and repressed memories leaves a lasting impression, making ‘Two Sisters’ his most convincing horror film yet, and setting high expectations for his future works.