“The Diver,” a Japanese documentary short directed by Anderson Wright, follows the touching story of a diver named Yasuo Takamatsu, who continues to search for his wife’s remains in the ocean 12 years after the 2011 Tohoku earthquake and tsunami.
On March 11, 2011, the Thoku earthquake and tsunami devastated East Japan’s coastal communities, killing nearly 20,000 people, while more than 2500 remain missing. Yasuo’s wife was never found, but his unwavering love for her motivates him to keep searching the sea. Director Anderson Wright and Yasuo Takamatsu present a moving look at the anguish of loss, the strength of love, and the beauty found in remembrance.
We get a sense of Yasuo’s grief and determination in this 8-minute documentary, as well as the impact of the disaster on the Japanese people and their relationship with the ocean. The effect of such a loss on anyone is devastating, and their pain and suffering cannot be imagined. ‘The Diver’ quickly transports us to Yasuo’s world as he narrates about his wife, their love, and his or the Japanese perspective on love.