An Award-Winning Indian Short Film – ‘City’s Step Child’

City's Step Child - An award-winning short film

Indian short film City’s Step Child and the Dump Hill Dreams by director Pranab K Aich has won yet another international award in the category of short films of the Ministry of the Foreign and European Affairs of the Slovak Republic at the International Festival of Sustainable Development Films.

City’s Step Child is a multiple international award-winning short documentary film created to represent the cause of urban poor children working in the landfills of India.

City’s Step Child is a film about the life of six inspiring children who are living in one of the largest slums of Delhi, Bhubaneswar, and Hyderabad. With the thought-provoking voices of the kids, candid moments artistically revolve around their dreams and reality, portraying the struggles and hardships that we as ‘privileged’ are ignorant of.

The film gives an insight into each of these characters by carefully following their lives, depicting a larger picture of the slum kids living in urban poverty.

To know more about the film and the creative artists involved, visit their official fan page:

Message from the director of City’s Step Child – Pranab K Aich

READ:  Ghaath/Ambush (2023): Conflict in the Heart of India
This post is written, edited and published by the Cinecelluloid staff.

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