Ambiancé – The 720 Hours Long Film

‘Ambiance’ – The 720 Hours Long Film

Swedish artist, photographer, and filmmaker Anders Weberg, in a record-breaking feat, has recently released the trailer of what is going to be the world’s longest film to date. With a running time of 720 hours or 30 days, the film titled “Ambiancé” is projected for release on December 31, 2020.

Working full-time for the last two decades, making more than 500 films/projects and a little over 100 music videos, Weberg is of the belief that art is made for peer-to-peer networks, where only artwork will be shared by a limited number of people by the artist, and as soon as any user downloads it, the original file must be deleted by the artist.

Going by the sense, the filmmaker has also intended to destroy the original copy of the proposed world’s longest film “Ambiancé” soon after its worldwide release and let others make this available via sharing. This way, he will make it “the longest film made that doesn’t exist”.

He imagines this project, which would be his last one in a 20 plus years career, as a means of creative expression. Weberg has also stated that it is made as his protest against the recreation of any old, classic films.

A short teaser which is 72 minutes long was released in 2014 that conveyed the mood and tempo of the film. Recently, the first short trailer with a duration of 7 hours and 20 minutes has been released and another long trailer will be released in 2018 with a duration of 72 hours.

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The film’s premise is partially based on the chess match scene from the 1957 Swedish drama The Seventh Seal and will be a surreal journey through space and time beyond places and is an abstract nonlinear narrative summary of the artist’s time spent with the moving image.

To date, the record of the longest film is registered in the name of the Danish experimental film Modern Times Forever (Stora Enso Building, Helsinki) made by Superflex. It has a runtime of 240 hours and a one-off screening began on March 23, 2011, at the IHME Contemporary Art Festival in Helsinki.

Ambiancé – First Short Trailer

Ambiancé – First short TRAILER – 7 Hours 20 Minutes in one take – by Anders Weberg. from Anders Weberg on Vimeo.

This post is written, edited and published by the Cinecelluloid staff.

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