‘In the Wake’ is a multiple award-winning Japanese mystery drama film, directed by Takahisa Zeze, set in the aftermath of Tohoku earthquake. The film is based on the novel “Mamorarenakatta Monotachi e” by Shichiri Nakayama.
The Tohoku earthquake and tsunami ravaged northeastern Japan in 2011. Following the disaster, three survivors create an unlikely relationship and build a makeshift family. A detective is assigned to investigate a strange murder case ten years later, and it soon becomes clear that the mystery is tied to the calamity.
‘In the Wake’ – Film Synopsis
Two murders occur in Sendai, Miyagi Prefecture, 9 years after the 2011 Tohoku earthquake and tsunami. It is assumed that the two victims were murdered by the same perpetrator. Both victims were bound from head to toe and starved to death. Yasuhisa Tone is named as a possible suspect in the murders. Yasuhisa Tone was just released from a Japanese prison. In the past, he committed arson and harmed someone to defend a friend. Detective Seiichiro Tomashino discovers a link between the two murders and goes on the hunt for Yasuhisa Tone.
Title: ‘In the Wake’
Genre: Drama, Mystery
Director: Takahisa Zeze
Cast: Takeru Satoh, Hiroshi Abe, Kaya Kiyohara, Mitsuko Baisho, Hidetaka Yoshioka, Kento Hayashi, among others.
Cinematographer: Atsuhiro Nabeshima
Language(s): Japanese with English subtitles
Initial Release: October 1, 2021