Calibre (2018) – Movie Review – A Netflix Original

CALIBRE: Written & Directed by Matt Palmer

This Netflix movie Calibre, starring Jack Lowden and Martin McCann in the lead, introduces us to a hunting expedition in Scotland that goes wrong with a troubling turn of events. Directed by Matt Palmer, the film is dark, gripping, and certainly a must-watch.

Calibre is the kind of movie that teaches us to face the truth instead of hiding or running away from the fact that the truth will eventually catch us. The story brings a few unfortunate incidents that push two friends to the limits of humanity, cruelty, friendship, and forgiveness.

The movie follows two old friends Vaughn (Jack Lowden) and Marcus (Martin McCann) who head for a hunting trip to the wilds of Scotland. Once reaching the nearby picturesque countryside, they enjoy their evening at the local pub while befriending the locals.

The next day morning they both drive to the stalking location with much enthusiasm, but the moment Vaughn aims his rifle at a deer and ends up killing a boy – the story turns dark and disturbing. The boy was on a camping trip with his father, but it turns out the worst for them.

This unfortunate accident follows another that shows us the other side of human nature which is brutal and inhuman. Marcus, to save his friend, shoots the father of the boy which makes the whole incident, not an accident but a murder.

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Watch the movie trailer – Calibre

Calibre to this point has revealed the plot but it becomes intriguing when both the characters try to hide everything they have done in this remote location. Now, they must try to flee the scene while pretending that nothing happened, but will they be able to survive the test of time?

The film is set on an accident followed by a crime. The story very nicely takes us through many questions which we might ask as our response to a similar situation. Human nature is complex, and the story is realistic. Director Matt Palmer has very skilfully depicted these intense moments.

One of the finest aspects of the film is that it has multi-dimensional characters that further heighten the nature of uncertainty. Particularly, the lead actors deliver wonderful performances true to the characterization.

In addition, the cinematography is stunning to the core, which is indeed claustrophobic. The localities, the terrains, and the scenic forest are captured well to add value to the tense narrative.

Starring: Jack Lowden, Martin McCann, Tony Curran
Genres: Thriller
Director: Matt Palmer

Calibre is now streaming on Netflix. If you have already watched this thriller, please send us your review or your comments.

Where to watch Calibre (2018)
This post is written, edited and published by the Cinecelluloid staff.

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