The Professor (aka El Profesor / Puan) (2023)

The Professor (aka El Profesor / Puan)

The Professor (El Profesor / Puan) is a 2023 comedy-drama directed by María Alché and Benjamín Naishtat. Set in the academic world of Buenos Aires, the film explores the rivalry between two professors competing for a prestigious position.

What’s the film The Professor about?

Marcelo, a quiet philosophy professor at the University of Buenos Aires, sees a chance to advance his career after the death of his mentor. However, his hopes are threatened when Rafael, a charismatic colleague from Europe, returns to compete for the same position. As they clash, Marcelo’s life spirals into chaos, mirroring the upheaval in the country.

Movie Credits

Title: Puan / The Professor
Director-Writer: María Alché, Benjamín Naishtat
Cast: Marcelo Subiotto, Leonardo Sbaraglia, Julieta Zylberberg, Alejandra Flechner, Cristina Banegas, Andrea Frigerio, Mara Bestelli
Runtime: 1h 50m
Country: Argentina
Year: 2023

Here’s a Teaser-Trailer for The Professor

Watch the official trailer for The Professor (French with English subtitles) below!

Where to watch Puan (2023)
This post is written, edited and published by the Cinecelluloid staff.

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