Directed by Park Yong-ju, “Citizen of a Kind” unfolds the compelling story of Deok-hee, a single mother who falls prey to a voice phishing scam and goes on a courageous mission to expose the criminal organization. The film is set to be released in South Korea on January 24, 2024.
“Citizen of a Kind” follows Deok-hee, a single mother who becomes a victim of a voice phishing scam after losing her laundry store in a devastating fire. Desperate and bankrupt, she receives a call from a bank offering a generous upfront loan so she takes it immediately. Soon after she finds that she has become a victim of a voice phishing scam. At the moment of despair, she receives an unexpected call from Jae-min, the phisher who duped her. Jae-min reveals that he was coerced to make voice phishing calls by a criminal group in China. Deok-hee, empowered by this knowledge, decides to take matters into her own hands with the help of her pals Bong-Rim and Sook-Ja. They begin on a daring expedition to uncover the complicated web of the voice phishing gang, which takes them on a thrilling and unexpected journey to China.
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Title: “Citizen of a Kind” 시민 덕희 | si-min deok-hee
Starring: Ra Mi Ran (라미란), Gong Myung (공명), Yeom Hye Ran (염혜란), Park Byung Eun (박병은), Jang Yoon Joo (장윤주), Lee Moo Saeng (이무생), Ahn Eun Jin (안은진)
Release Date: January 2024.