“Everybody Dies… Sometimes” is a short film directed and written by Charlotte Hamblin. The film is a dark comedy about death phobia, and it follows the protagonist Mara as she struggles with the conviction that she has killed everyone she has come into contact with.
The film features Tanya Reynolds, Mathew Horne, Emma Amos, and Rosie Sheehy in prominent roles.
“Everybody Dies… Sometimes” is set to screen at the 2023 Tribeca Film Festival (June 7-18). Previously, the short film received the Best British Short Film award at the 2022 British Short Film Awards and was nominated for Best UK Short at the Raindance Film Festival in London.
Director: Charlotte Hamblin
Screenwriter: Charlotte Hamblin
Editor: Caitlin Spiller
Cinematographer: Simon Plunkett
Cast: Tanya Reynolds, Mathew Horne, Sparrow Michell, Emma Amos, Abi Tedder, Rosie Sheehy
Country: United Kingdom