In a Heartbeat is one of the ten shortlisted animated short films for 2018 Oscars. Created by Esteban Bravo and Beth David, and produced at Ringling College of Art and Design, the film is now loved by many for its sweet message of love and friendship.
In a Heartbeat follows Sherwin, a middle school boy who is struggling to come to terms with his crush on Jonathan, the most popular boy in school. Sherwin must chase after his own heart to stop it from revealing his true feelings to Jonathan, and the entire student body.
Watch the short film In a Heartbeat
Ever since it’s been selected and shortlisted in the in the 2018 Academy Awards, the makers are elated with joy and thanking their well-wishers:
“It’s here! After a year and a half of hard work, we are both so excited to finally share our film with you. Thank you all for your support and encouragement – this film means the world to us, and your kindness and enthusiasm has made this journey all the more meaningful.”
This is indeed incredible to see a short film created with sheer passion and love for the art is garnering great reviews with its sweet message without a single word. In a Heartbeat is nothing but simple, true emotions and feelings of Sherwin and Johnathan.
Esteban is a story artist and animator from Mexico City, Mexico, while Beth is an animator and illustrator from Cincinnati, Ohio. As college graduates, they both have come together in creating this amazing four-minute wordless animated short.
Here’s a progression of one of my shots, from animation to final render ❤️#inaheartbeat
— Esteban Bravo (@EstebanBravoP) September 2, 2017