Arbor Demon (Enclosure) (2016) – Into the Mystery of the Woods


Arbor Demon (Original Title – Enclosure) is a tension-filled modern-age horror drama, set in the mystery of the woods, that keeps you on the edge of your seat with enough thrill and horror.

The film Arbor Demon is a warning to everyone who often prefers to go deep into the woods for adventure or simply to have a good time with friends and family. There are definitely other options, but if any of us enjoy such an outing inside a forest, please go to a known or regular place on the travel map. You never know what lies inside the woods to welcome you to the darkest secrets.

This slick horror film Arbor Demon starts with a married couple Dana and Charles who is in the middle of their happy and not-so-happening life when Charles leaves his job as a paramedic to pursue his dream to go on a tour with his band. Dana on the other side gets to know that she is pregnant, but she has not shared the news with Charles as according to him, they are not the usual couple to have kids.

Nevertheless, with mixed feelings both of them decide to go on a camping trip to celebrate their anniversary and reconnect, before they part ways for six months. As they venture into the jungle, Dana gets the vibe of something weird but they proceed and set up their tent, in the middle of the dark and dense nature, but later couldn’t sleep for long as some local hunters keep partying and shooting guns until late.

Watch the Movie Trailer for ‘Arbor Demon

As we start thinking more about the plot and possibilities of the story, something in the woods attacked and killed most of the hunters within no time. This rang the panic bell and the couple did not prefer to move out of their tent. They later rescued an injured survivor but he seemed more interested to get out of the tent than sitting and helping the couple.

The film started well with a promising and engaging premise, but somehow in the middle, the story took an unexpected turn with the introduction of strange human elements. While I must say that this is not amongst the best horror movies, Arbor Demon at least gives you the chills in more than a few occasions than pushing you into boredom.

Director Patrick Rea has succeeded in bringing out enough thrill and horror while filming in a minimalist set. Fiona Dourif as Dana delivered a praiseworthy performance with emotions that are apt for a claustrophobic atmosphere in the woods. The supporting cast is also very intelligently used. All in all, Arbor Demonis much better than any recent studio horror movie. It is all filled with tension, terror, and mystery that play a crucial part in the narration of the story.

Where to watch Arbor Demon (2016)
This post is written, edited and published by the Cinecelluloid staff.

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