After a successful six-episode first season, AMC’s action-adventure television series “Into the Badlands” returns for a second season. The first glimpse, which featured the character Sunny, played by Daniel Wu, and the phrase “not a clipper anymore,” was recently unveiled.
Many individuals were unaware of Season 2’s premiere date. According to reports, the only reason for the delay is that it will be a long season with more than 10 episodes, and making such a long series is equivalent to producing two feature-length movies. Again, a series with so many action sequences and a captivating story certainly asks for more from the makers to ensure another wonderful season.
Nevertheless, it is all exciting as the wait is finally going over. Moreover, with a greater number of episodes, we can expect more action, story, and even new characters in the territory of the Badlands.
In the first season, we were introduced to a human civilization divided into seven rival communities led by powerful Barons. Each Baron draws his/her power by employing a very loyal army of trained assassins known as Clippers. Sunny is considered the ruthless and lethal clipper working as the trusted advisor of Baron Quinn.
Into the Badlands – Season 2 Trailer
For decades Quinn remained unchallenged as the most powerful Baron, but a new Baron named The Widow went all out in picking a fight with Quinn. Head clipper Sunny was doing his best to deliver a fitting reply.
One day, Sunny rescued a teenage boy M.K. who nearly survived a deadly ambush. As Sunny took the boy inside the fort, he came to know the secret behind the boy which is the sole reason The Widow has her eye on him. Together they choose a life that brought many challenges.
In Season 1 we also saw the personal life of Sunny with a doctor named Veil, the complicated life of Baron Quinn with his two wives as well as the not so known fact that he is now suffering a deadly illness with a brain tumor. As Quinn is no longer that powerful, and as Sunny tries to move away from the Badlands, Quinn must ally with other Barons to defeat The Widow.
All in all, Season 1 of Into the Badlands has been really interesting not just with its extensive action sequences, but also with an interlinked storyline that connects every major character. If we’ve to summarize the whole story behind the series in just a few lines, it must be the story of a great warrior and a mysteriously powerful young boy who met to embark on a journey across a dangerous land to find their past and reason of existence.
Release date: November 15, 2015
Genre: Action, Adventure, Drama, Martial Arts
Starring: Daniel Wu (Tai Chi Zero) as Sunny; Marton Csokas (The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King) as Quinn; Aramis Knight (The Dark Knight Rises) as M.K.; Oliver Stark (Luther) as Ryder; Emily Beecham (28 Weeks Later) as The Widow; Orla Brady (Dr. Who, Fringe) as Lydia; Sarah Bolger (Once Upon a Time, The Tudors) as Jade; Ally Ioannides (Parenthood) as Tilda; and Madeleine Mantock (Edge of Tomorrow) as Veil.
Network: AMC
Watch it now on Amazon Prime/Video
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Also Read: Into The Badlands – Season 2 – REVIEW
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