Month: November 2015

Chris Hemsworth Does A Christian Bale for “In the Heart of the Sea”

Chris Hemsworth reveals his shockingly thin body with dramatic weight loss for the new movie ‘In The Heart Of The Sea’. The film will go on to inspire Herman Melville’s classic novel, Moby-Dick.  How many actors you have seen who have completely transformed themselves into the character they are supposed to essay, not just in […]

Prometheus 2 – ‘Alien: Covenant’

Almost every week there have been new updates emerging on the making of the upcoming sequel to the 2012-released ‘Prometheus’. In an interview with IGN News, director Ridley Scott says that the Prometheus sequel will reveal who are the creators of Aliens. The movie which, as revealed earlier, was supposed to be titled Alien: Paradise […]

Excess Jump Scares Blur ‘Visions’

Leaving her fast-paced city life behind, young mother-to-be Eveleigh moves into a vineyard to start a new life with her husband. Soon, she begins to experience terrifying visions that she can’t explain. One thing many of us don’t like to watch in a horror film is the use of unnecessary jump-scare moments to give cheap […]

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