Prometheus 2 – ‘Alien: Covenant’

Prometheus 2 – ‘Alien: Covenant’

Almost every week there have been new updates emerging on the making of the upcoming sequel to the 2012-released ‘Prometheus’. In an interview with IGN News, director Ridley Scott says that the Prometheus sequel will reveal who are the creators of Aliens. The movie which, as revealed earlier, was supposed to be titled Alien: Paradise Lost has yet again gone for another change in working title as Alien: Covenant.

“I don’t want to go back to where we came from. I want to go where they came from.”

Elizabeth Shaw, the last survivor of the Prometheus.

Nevertheless, the whole idea of going back to the original Alien movie, directed by Scott way back in 1979, as an answer to the recent questions in Prometheus is promising and interesting. At this point, we need every bit of exciting information on the film, considering the amount of research both Scott and the writer Damon Lindelof invested in their first project.

Scott also revealed the fact that probably Prometheus will have one or two more sequels after this in order to explain the origin of Alien and why would one ever create a monster like this. Interesting enough to expand our creative thinking that why the Engineers after creating humans would think of destroying the whole race. At least for now, we keep wondering and digging more about the possible connection between Engineers and the xenomorph from the Alien movie series.

Prometheus 2 – ‘Alien: Covenant’
Noomi Rapace and Michael Fassbender in ‘Prometheus’

Looking at the very limited information, we can now hope that Michael Fassbender’s android character David and Noomi Rapace’s Elizabeth Shaw, the last survivor of the Prometheus have a long journey ahead. Lastly, just to remind you and let you think, do the creators/engineers actually wanted us to come and find them (as shown in Prometheus)?

The film is scheduled for a May 2017 release and will hit the production floor in February 2016. As per the latest reports, the script was ready but then John Logan (Spectre), who has earlier worked with Ridley Scott in Gladiator, has been brought in to revise the script. However, the original Prometheus sequel script was written by Jack Paglen (Transcendence) which was further revised by Michael Green (Green Lantern). 

Prometheus 2 – ‘Alien: Covenant’
The ‘Deacon’ or Proto-Xenomorph alien species appeared for the first time in the film ‘Prometheus’.
Where to watch Alien: Covenant (2017)
This post is written, edited and published by the Cinecelluloid staff.

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