In the upcoming romantic suspense film Roy, directed by Vikramjit Singh, three actors—Ranbir Kapoor, Arjun Rampal, and Jacqueline Fernandez—play characters entangled in a love triangle. The movie, featuring Kapoor as a burglar named Roy, is scheduled to be released on February 13, 2015.
‘Roy’ Movie Plot
Roy revolves around the relationships between a thief, a filmmaker, and their shared love interest.
The movie Roy is reportedly connected to a brief love affair between Hollywood director Quentin Tarantino (Pulp Fiction and Django Unchained) and Sofia Coppola (Somewhere). However, the Tarantino-Coppola romance is not immediately apparent in the film, despite the trailer suggesting a love triangle.
Another curiosity in the characterization is that Ranbir Kapoor plays a supporting role to the lead pair, Rampal and Fernandez, even though the film is named after his character.