Sinister Circle (2017) – With an ancient Ouija board & a secret society


This Peruvian horror movie ‘Sinister Circle’ directed by Dorian Fernández-Moris, follows a psychologist (Fernanda) who returns from Mexico to her childhood place in Peru, together with her mute son (Julito), after hearing the news about her mother being hospitalized in a psychiatric hospital.

A sequel to the director’s earlier film Cementerio General, the storyline of “Sinister Circle” (aka Cementerio General 2) has references to a haunted house, an old Ouija board, a demonic secret society worshiping evil, sacrificing humans, and more.

Soon after they arrive in their ancestral home, both mother and son start experiencing supernatural activity that would unsettle their lives and their efforts to stay away from the place. They both must confront evil forces and the people involved who have their sinister motives.

Sinister Circle (Cementerio General 2) – Trailer

The last Spanish movie I watched before this one is probably ‘Verónica‘ (2017). Although both are different in terms of story and treatment, ‘Sinister Circle’ looks more like any present-day haunted house tale with great use of scary atmospheric elements, carefully planted jump scares, and sound effects.

On one hand, as we try to understand the psychology behind someone’s illness, the evil motives of others reveal themselves. It then becomes clear that it’s not just one, but the involvement of the whole community i.e. plagued with delusions to summon some ancient evil force.

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The pace of the film, which is not that fast, makes it even more terrifying with the viewer’s anticipation. Although I’ve not watched the earlier films of Dorian Fernández-Moris, ‘Sinister Circle’ looks good at par with some of the recent Hollywood horror films.

Moreover, there is no point in comparing this with other big-budget Hollywood or European films. It is more the idea and its execution that looks okay to us. Certain things might not have a good explanation but then in most horror films, there is that discussion on weirdness and many forces of nature. So, ‘Sinister Circle’ is an entertaining one to watch.

‘Sinister Circle’ cast & other details

‘Sinister Circle’ is dark and scary as it follows a psychologist and her mute son who confront evil forces at the site of a terrible tragedy involving an ancestral Ouija board and a demonic secret society.

Cast: Milene Vázquez, Matías Raygada, Claudia Dammert, Marcello Rivera, Atilia Boschetti, Hernán Romero, Ismael Contreras, Pietro Sibille and Leslie Shaw.
Directed by Dorian Fernández-Moris
Release Date/Year: July 6, 2017
Language: Spanish
Streaming Platform: Now streaming on Netflix

If you have already watched the film, please let us know your feedback in the comment section below. Also, if you’re aware of some more interesting cinema from the Peruvian film industry, please suggest for us to watch.

Where to watch Sinister Circle (2015)
This post is written, edited and published by the Cinecelluloid staff.

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