“Gold Kingdom and Water Kingdom” is a Japanese manga series written and illustrated by Nao Iwamoto. An anime film adaptation is now directed by Kotono Watanabe. The anime romance movie invites you to witness a clash of kingdoms. Cats and dogs, deserts and trees—will these kingdoms ever find harmony?
In the story, Alhamit and Baikari have agreed on a diplomatic union, but things take a wild turn when a dog and a cat show up instead of the promised bride and groom. Princess Sarah and Naranbayar, unaware of their roles, cross paths in a mystical forest, setting the stage for an unexpected love story.
A divine decree swaps the most beautiful girl and the most brilliant young man in a quest for peace between two competing kingdoms. Saara, the princess of country A, and Naranbayar, the prince of country B, grudgingly play the roles of a married couple, discovering love in the middle of a long-standing feud.
With stunning animation and magical landscapes, this film promises a lively adventure, setting up a vivid picture of two contrasting kingdoms. Can love prevail amid diplomatic chaos? Find out in this whimsical tale of cross-cultural connection.
Gold Kingdom and Water Kingdom – Watch the teaser with English subtitle
Title: “Gold Kingdom and Water Kingdom” / Kin no Kuni Mizu no Kuni
Genre(s): Fantasy, Drama, Romance, Anime
Director: Kotono Watanabe
Cast: Kento Kaku, Minami Hamabe, Hiroshi Kamiya and Banjyō Ginga
Script by Fumi Tsubota
Music by Evan Call
Genre: Anime, Romance
Language: Japanese
Japanese Theatrical Release: January 27th, 2023