‘Sin City – A Dame to Kill For’ (Movie Review)

Sin City – A Dame to Kill For (Movie Review)

Frank Miller’s Sin City: A Dame to Kill For (Sin City 2) is all laced with stylized narration in a visually stunning film noir crime drama.

Before going deep into the storyline, I suggest you all to first watch the first part released back in 2005. I’m sure if you don’t like the first part or in any case, not a fan of Miller’s graphic novel series of the same name, avoid it straightway. But honestly, this is worth a watch!

I wonder how come it took so long for the makers of Sin City (2005) to come up with a sequel to a film that has already garnered a cult status. Despite the portrayal of violence, blood, gore, and sex, the film has been a treat to watch, just as if you are experiencing a graphic novel in life. Taking that identity forward, Sin City 2 or Sin City – A Dame to Kill For is no different with characters that are so distinct.

Watch the ‘Sin City 2’ trailer here on YouTube:

Coming to the story, it’s much simpler this time; however, the theme is identical with some old characters and some new, living and ruling the sin city. The name of the movie A Dame to Kill For is well justified with its story and each male character finds himself hooked into the beauty of women and ready to ‘kill for the dame’.

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There is Marv (Mickey Rourke), who although doesn’t have any personal motive around, helps others by taking on every high and mighty of Basin City. Dwight (Josh Brolin) insanely in love with a damsel beauty Ava (Eva Green) goes against his will to free her from the clutches of her evil husband. Marv helps him in his misadventure which later reveals the viciousness of Ava.

Then we have a master poker player Johnny (Joseph Gordon Lewitt) who plays every game only to win, but this time comes face-to-face with a ruthless opponent Senator Roark (Powers Boothe) who unleashes his power on Johnny after losing a match to him.

Jessica Alba returns to Sin City 2 as the third prominent character Nancy who is left depressed, damaged but determined to kill Senator Roark by the events of the first part. She is seeking revenge against the Senator for the suicide of John Hartigan (Bruce Willis) in the first film.

To sum it all up, Sin City: A Dame to Kill For is an excellent and artistic version of those 1940s crime dramas. Each character leaves their mark, while director Miller along with his co-director, Robert Rodriguez, yet again has proved that they are really good at giving a cinematic vision to a graphic novel.

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One thing I liked very much in the film is the monochromes, where splashes of blood are painted white just like milk flowing from those cuts of human flesh. I guess this makes those excessive gory scenes easy to watch. With truly impressive narratives and visuals, A Dame to Kill For is definitely a movie worth watching.

Movie Name: ‘Sin City: A Dame to Kill For’
Directed by Robert Rodriguez and Frank Miller, ‘Sin City: A Dame to Kill For’ is based on the second book in the Sin City series by Miller.

Directed by Robert Rodriguez and Frank Miller
Written by Frank Miller
Based on Sin City by Frank Miller; A Dame to Kill For by Frank Miller
Cinematography Robert Rodriguez
Release Date/Year: August 22, 2014 (United States)

This post is written, edited and published by the Cinecelluloid staff.

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